The Candid

His New Girlfriend Hates That His Dog Sleeps In His Bed And Shoved The Pup One Day, But He’ll Always Pick His Pet And Is Considering Moving On

There are two types of people in this world: those who absolutely love dogs and those who don’t. And for many, the idea of being with someone who didn’t like their pet is a deal breaker.

So what would you do if your significant other moved in and suddenly expected you to change your routine with your furry friend? Would you pick your pup over your partner?

This guy has recently found himself in the same sticky situation. He’s had his dog for seven years, ever since the pup was just 12 weeks old.

However, his girlfriend recently moved in and hasn’t been enjoying his pet as much as he does.

The main issue she has is the fact that his dog sleeps in his bed with him every single night. At first, she said she didn’t like having dog hair where they slept.

“So I washed a ton of sheets, blankets, and pillowcases to have backups and to have a sheet always over the bedding we use,” he recalled.

But then, just the other night, his girlfriend actually took both of her hands and shoved his dog out of the way while he was sleeping, pushing the pup in the chest! He didn’t like that she was aggressive toward his pet, either, and viewed it as a big red flag.

Afterward, his girlfriend apparently claimed that his dog was “jealous” and didn’t like her.

“I think she’s being dramatic, and I absolutely will get rid of her before him,” he revealed.

ezzys – – illustrative purposes only

He believes that his dog has been a healing force in his life, helping him overcome depression and anger. He loves keeping his pup safe, happy and fed.

“He’s like my son, brother, and best friend. My dog’s made me suck it up when depressed and been my support,” he detailed.

So now, he’s genuinely considering giving his girlfriend an ultimatum because he will always pick his dog over a partner. He stated he would cut anyone who thought negatively about his pet out of his life.

On the flip side, though, he can’t help but wonder if he should just dump her and move on to find someone who respects the role his pet plays in his life.

“And am I crazy for putting my dog, who has slept beside me for seven years, over a new relationship?” he asked.

Does it sound like they are incompatible? Would you also stick by your pet as opposed to a new significant other? 

You can read the original post here.

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