The Crazy

The Girl He Was In A Situationship With Turned Into His Stalker, And He Caught Her Driving Past His House 14 Times In One Day

This guy used to be in a situationship with a girl named Jane, who is the definition of drop-dead gorgeous.

But honestly, he doesn’t know a lot about her except that she’s from a tiny little town and that she moved to where he lives along with her boyfriend and friends to go to college.

He met Jane at a local bar, and all the local guys have a crush on her because she’s so beautiful. Back when he met Jane, she was still with her crazy boyfriend, but the bar’s waiter informed him that Jane and her boyfriend broke up on the regular.

Several months ago, his mom called him up to ask about the bar and if the food was good. He said it was, so his mom mentioned she and his stepdad were headed there for dinner then.

He met them at the bar that night, and later on, his mom and stepdad went home, but his friend Tina stopped by to have a drink with him.

Right before closing, they ran into Jane, who was sobbing her heart out. Apparently, Jane and her boyfriend split up for good, and she spilled out all the terrible details of their time spent together. Feeling awful for Jane, he allowed her to lean on him and cry.

The following night, Jane sent him a message saying sorry for dumping her trauma on him, and he reassured her it was fine.

They started chatting routinely from there, and one evening, Jane texted him to see if he wanted to come to her place.

He declined to come over, as his little cousin was at his house and had fallen asleep watching movies with him.

sanneberg – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A day later, Jane asked if he wanted to hang out, so he said yes. He realized he liked Jane, though he was concerned about her wild ex.

He later learned Jane’s ex moved away, and he was relieved. That gave him the freedom to pursue Jane, and they started dating.

Jane turned into a situationship, and he tried to spend some time apart from her, as he values his alone time, but Jane wasn’t alright with this.

Jane incessantly called him, so he snapped and told her she couldn’t manipulate him into hanging out with her, so it was best she no longer speak to him.

Jane lost it and came to his house, waiting for him to come outside, but he refused. He felt super disrespected.

It’s been months since things with Jane ended, and Jane has turned into his stalker.

“Now, she’s following me everywhere I go (it’s been months, and I’m dating the girl of my dreams), but that has not stopped her from being in my shadow,” he explained.

“She learned my routine. When I go to the gym, when I’m at practice, etc., she never fails to show up or drive past where I’m at. My stepbrother reviewed the security footage from our house, and we counted her car driving past my house at least 14 times in a day.”

“I still get texts from her on the daily even though she’s blocked. She gets wasted and spams me with messages on WhatsApp that she then deletes. My girlfriend is absolutely livid with this chick as she would not leave me alone.”

“I do not fear for my life, but I have warned my friends that if I die, it would not be an accident…she’s in my shadow, and I constantly have to check my 6 to see if she’s behind me.”

How do you think he can finally get Jane to leave him alone?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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