The Creepy

One Night, Her Sleep Was Interrupted By A Murderer On The Loose Who Got Shot In The Woods Behind Her House

It’s always scary to scroll on social media and learn about a heinous or dangerous crime that happened in your area. But can you imagine reading about one and then witnessing it happen again right outside your house?

This happened to one woman who had her sleep interrupted by a local murderer.

One night a few years ago, she had just put her newborn daughter to bed and was home alone while her husband at the time worked a night shift. Around midnight, while lying in bed, she started scrolling Facebook while trying to fall asleep.

She came upon an article about a murderer on the run in her area. This man had killed someone in the town next to hers and was hiding from the police. Residents were encouraged to lock their doors and stay inside for as long as possible.

Freaked out, she texted her husband, who surprisingly didn’t believe her. Regardless, he told her to turn on their police scanner for the night. After some time had passed, she was finally able to fall asleep.

Suddenly, she was woken up in the middle of the night to police officers on the scanner screaming, “Shots fired!”

Before she knew it, she heard gunfire outside her home.

“It took me a moment to register the noise as shots to my virgin ears,” she recalls. “Then it was like time suddenly slowed down as I rolled off my bed and grabbed my daughter.”

She hid in her hallway while the gunfire ceased and called her ex-husband and mom, fearing for her life. Somehow, her baby was able to stay asleep during all of the chaos.

rangizzz – – illustrative purposes only

When her mom began driving to her house, she noticed that the police had blocked off the road she lived on. The police let her mom through and informed both of them that the suspect had been shot. He left muddy footprints on her porch and a smear of mud on the front door as if he had tried to kick it open.

The suspect turned out to be the same murderer she had read an article about before bed. He killed a man in a town about five minutes away and ran into her town and through her backyard before shooting someone in a house behind hers.

Finally, the police showed up and had a shootout with him before killing him. That’s what caused the gunfire that woke her out of her sleep.

“He laid dead in the measly patch of woods in back of my house,” she explains. “I had goosebumps thinking about all of this murder taking place around me as I lay in bed.”

Thankfully, she and her family members were totally safe. She avoided being interviewed by news outlets so she could try and get back to living her normal life. Let’s just say it was a night she will never forget.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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