The Candid

Her Parents Resent Her Since They Had Her As Teens, And They Don’t Understand Why She Doesn’t Want To Watch Their New Baby

This 15-year-old girl’s parents were still teenagers when they gave birth to her, and they gave up on being decent parents before they even got started.

Her mom and dad made it clear that they resented her for making them young parents, and as she grew up, she increasingly spent more time at the homes of her friends instead of her own.

She doesn’t have a family outside of her parents, and her mom and dad’s loved ones disowned them both for getting pregnant as teens.

Her mom and dad never did things for her that other parents did, like assisting her with homework or attending school events.

They failed to attend every single parent-teacher conference. They refused to sign things she needed. They didn’t celebrate her birthday or Christmas with her.

They’ve done a great job making her feel unimportant and unloved, and those are the only things they excel at in their role as parents.

“When they told me two years ago they were expecting a baby, it really surprised me, but then it hurt because sometimes they said stuff that made me feel like I didn’t exist,” she explained.

“Like how they were SO excited to have a baby and how they couldn’t wait to be parents. A friend of my mom’s did remind her of me, but then she and Dad said I was basically the too-early practice run, and this was the real deal.”

“When my sister was born, they were so attentive to her that I ceased to exist completely. I got sick, and my school was trying to call someone to pick me up early, but they ignored the calls, and when I got home, they had taken the baby out for a family day. When they got home, they hadn’t even realized the school called because they turned off their phones to “enjoy family time.”

Igor – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One month after her sister entered the world, her mom quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom. Her mom and dad also mentioned they want another baby.

Every Friday, her dad leaves his job on the early side so that he can spend more quality time with her little sister and mom.

For the last year, her parents have been trying for another baby without success, so now they’re undergoing fertility treatments.

While her parents go to the doctor for this, they have tried to make her watch her little sister for a couple of hours, handing her a crazy list of everything she needs to do.

But she told her parents she’s not agreeing to babysit her sister, and she’s not her child, so it’s on them to take care of the kid.

“My parents told me it’s a few hours a week and not a huge deal,” she continued. “Dad told me I need to look at it as paying back all they did for me.”

“I said no and told them they don’t give a crap about me, so why would I want to help them?”

She’s left wondering if it’s wrong of her not to want to babysit since her parents don’t care about her at all.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.


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