Two months ago, this 30-year-old woman started dating her boyfriend, who is the same age as her. She took a six-year break from dating after her last serious relationship ended in a terrible way, but in between that guy and her boyfriend, she had a friend with benefits to get her needs met.
As soon as she began seeing her boyfriend, she and her friend with benefits amicably split up. Recently, she’s been in pain any time that she’s been physical with her boyfriend, so she went to the hospital to get checked out.
“Long story short, I had an ectopic pregnancy,” she said. “This basically means a baby is formed in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus.”
“There is no way a baby can develop there and has no chance of survival. I had to have an emergency surgery where both the baby and my right fallopian tube were removed.”
She called her friend with benefits when she was in the hospital, and he rushed by her side. He also paid for half of her medical bills that her insurance company failed to cover.
Since she believes honesty is important, she told her boyfriend that clearly, her friend with benefits got her pregnant.
She struggled with the entire incident, including her recovery time, and she was expecting her boyfriend to be supportive of her.
“However, he did not take the news of me “getting knocked up by another man” well,” she explained. “He basically ignored me for the whole week after my surgery, saying it “upsets him to see me in pain,” so he doesn’t want to see me.”
“I admit I got upset with him for not being supportive of me when I was having a hard time. But I also understood that he needs time to wrap his head around what happened.”

When she got to see her boyfriend most recently, they had a long talk, and she admitted to him that she didn’t do a single thing wrong.
He knew about her friend with benefits, and it’s not like she was sleeping with both of them at the same time. She got pregnant with her friend with benefits well before her boyfriend entered the picture, so she did not cheat on him.
Also, she’s not having a child with her friend with benefits, so everything that just went down will not impact her boyfriend in any way, shape, or form.
Unfortunately, her boyfriend thinks she’s awful for getting pregnant with another guy whom she was not even in a serious relationship with.
Instead of being helpful, her boyfriend has just been harmful and judgmental. She thinks her boyfriend is an enormous jerk for abandoning her in her time of need.
“He said in this situation, it is the responsibility of my FWB to support me, not his,” she concluded.
Do you think she’s in the wrong, or do you think her boyfriend is?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.