The Candid

He Didn’t Order Any Food While Out To Eat With His Friend Group So He Wouldn’t Have To Split The Massive Bill With Two Of His Mooching Friends

Many people have a pet peeve regarding group dinners. The most popular one is when a group splits their dinner bill, even though some people at the table ordered significantly more expensive items than everyone else’s.

One man recently refused to order food at a group dinner because he knew he’d be forced to split the large bill.

He’s 27 and often hangs out with a group of eight friends. In that friend group are a couple, Susan and Greg, who he says are “absolute leeches.”

He says that whenever their friend group goes out to dinner, Susan and Greg will order the most expensive items on the menu, then, when the check comes, will complain about their financial situation and ask to split the bill or have someone pay for their portion.

So, when one of his friends, Dan, invited him out to dinner a few days ago, he immediately asked if Susan and Greg would be there. When Dan said yes, he told him he’d rather sit this one out, but Dan told him he should “put his opinions aside” and go.

He gave in to Dan’s request and attended the dinner with him, Susan, Greg, and others.

“There were only about six people there, and when [the waiter] got to Susan and Greg, they both ordered expensive dishes, [costing] around $200,” he recalled.

“When it was my turn to order, everyone looked at me, but I just picked up the menu, pointed to the $4 Miller Lite, and sent the waiter away.”

Dan asked him why he didn’t get any food, and he plainly said he lost his appetite. Catching on to his idea, two other friends at the table canceled their food orders and just got drinks.

Maksim Toome – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

By the end of the evening, Dan asked the waiter to split the check six ways, and he interrupted, telling the waiter to split it three ways instead.

“Greg looked at me confused and asked why, since we ‘always’ split the bill, and I reminded him that three of us had not eaten any food, so we would just be paying for our drinks,” he said.

“So basically, at the end of the night, Dan, who probably only ate around $50 worth of food, was stuck with a $146.98 check.”

Before heading home, he left a $10 bill on the table and walked out.

The next day, he had several texts from Greg and Susan, telling him he was a jerk for “forcing” them to pay more for their meal, which made him laugh because of how ridiculous they were.

However, Dan is mad at him too and told him he would’ve rather he didn’t come than pull that “stunt” with the bill.

Did he do anything wrong by only ordering a drink?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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