When this young woman was little, her parent purchased a home without knowing the disturbing history that came along with it.
Her older sister was around 3-years-old when her mom and dad finally learned that a nightmare she had was based on reality and not made up in the least.
One night, her sister woke up sobbing and yelling, and when her mom went to check on her, she was terrified of her. Her dad asked her sister why she was so upset, and her sister kept on repeating a disturbing sentence: “Mommy threw [the] baby in the fire.”
Her dad rightly assumed her sister had a nightmare about her mom and her brother, who was just a baby back then. Her dad tried to calm her sister down by showing her that the baby was totally alright.
Her dad then reassured her sister that mom would never do anything to hurt any of them, and finally, her sister stopped crying and screaming.
A friend of their family’s was present when her sister freaked out about the jarring nightmare, and he did some sleuthing on the history of their family home.
He stopped by the local library to dig through newspaper clippings they had on file in order to piece together the house’s history, and what he found would make anyone’s blood run cold.
“A married couple who lived in my childhood home had a baby,” she explained. “Soon after the baby was born, the relationship took a turn for the worst, and the wife asked for a divorce.”
“Angered by this request, the husband threw his infant into the fire of the home’s furnace and buried the bones under the basement steps. His crime was discovered and the babies bones recovered. After finding this story, the friend quickly rushed over to show my father what he had found.”

“My parents and various friends had experienced odd encounters in the home previous to this discovery and we all would continue to experience more throughout the years we spent there. That house was burned twice and is now an empty lot.”
How creepy is that?
You can see the post on Reddit here.