Thoughts on dating, ladies? It could be romantic and exciting, yet so high of the risk of getting hurt and confused–but I guess that makes the activity exciting.
Yet we had heard so many horror stories about dating that could leave someone lost or traumatized from experience, even when they thought things were going well.
A TikTok user named Evie posted some pertinent advice regarding dating under her account @evmariexo. From Evie’s perspective, mutual expectation plays a big part in a fair experience.
“Ladies…when should a guy tell you they are not looking for a serious relationship?” A guy could be seen at the beginning of Evie’s video.
Not looking for a serious relationship. Sounds familiar, right? Like, it’s way too familiar.
Evie also gave out a direct answer: right away.
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being in a place where you are not looking for a relationship, but you still want to, like, have fun,” Evie said in the video.
But she then emphasized that a guy who stated his expectations clearly should also match his words with action. So, basically, don’t do anything that would give your date a wrong idea and eventually grow to false expectations.
“Don’t hang out at her apartment all weekend or text her all day asking how her presentation at work went,” Evie continued. “Don’t integrate yourself into her (the date) life in a meaningful way to the point that she’s going to think there might be more of this in the future.”

Evie explained that those actions would often send out mix-signals. Maybe you are just interested in your date’s life at the moment, but at the bottom line, you are still not looking to get into a relationship. However, this type of “caring” could easily confuse a person.
“When you ghost out, which you inevitably will because you were never looking for something serious in the first place, it would be hurtful to her,” Evie said. “But you won’t be able to feel justified in her feelings, which is ultimately really manipulative.”
Evie’s words reminded me of some old wisdom and The Golden Rule: Treat others as one wants to be treated. “Don’t expect the girlfriend experience if you’re not willing to do the boyfriend thing,” finally, Evie concluded.
Commenters have agreed with Evie’s words.
“Not, but honestly! They need to make their intentions known from the beginning,” dani_j627 said. “I’m sick of men pursuing women they KNOW are looking for a relationship.”
“Immediately. There are plenty of women who don’t want committed relationships, too! The point is not to be dishonest and trick people,” A E R I S also wrote.
What are your thoughts on Evie’s opinion? What would you expect from your date if you were in a similar situation?